What’s the [loveheart] Like for?
The Like button is a simple method to group and filter your favourite products. You may also want to quickly group any new products before categorising.
The Like button is a simple method to group and filter your favourite products. You may also want to quickly group any new products before categorising.
Allows you to create a more granular categorization or grouping of products. You can choose to add to existing categories or add to a new category title of your choice. You can also deselect products from categories using the same flow.
Yes. Please check the Integration menu for a suite of integration options. Some of the more powerful integration options need a product category. We recommend that you get the help of your webmaster if you need to get tricky.
No. You can use your Rezdy alias (alias.rezdy.com) to sell online until you set up your website.
Automated Payment allows you to book any product and get guaranteed payment. There is no need for invoicing or chasing commission payments. Withdraw direct to your bank account from the Automated Payments area.
You need a bank account. Payoneer (Rezdy’s payment provider) supports bank accounts in most countries and currencies, and may apply a currency exchange fee to transfer to your bank account if not in Australia or USA.
First set up your account in Marketplace Settings. It will take up to 2 days to verify. Once verified you can start withdrawing available funds from the “My Commissions” page.
Yes, Rezdy guarantees payment using the Automated Payments method for all fulfilled orders.
Commission payments are usually available for withdrawal within 7 days of the tour fulfillment date.
Please refer to the Vendor Agreement for a complete view of Rezdy’s terms.
We have chosen for the “Moderate” cancellation policy option: allow cancellations with full refund up to 7 days before the tour date.
Commission no longer applies for cancellations made within the policy time frame. The full amount is refunded to the customer. Otherwise any cancellations outside of the policy time frame remain in tact.
© 2016 Bizarre Bangkok Tours